Elizabeth Lovius is Leadership wellbeing expert and Coach who gives leaders headspace to access fresh insight. As a result they discover the resilience, clarity and creativity to lead collaborative teams, through real change.

Elizabeth is an author, speaker and wellbeing commentator and has 20+ years experience, having worked with over 10,000 people. Elizabeth helps leaders access their real wisdom and inner resources to lead in times of real change. Elizabeth can help you discover your personal key that will help you succeed and deliver your intent, cultivate your culture and lead performance breakthroughs in your business - no matter what is going on around you.

When leaders think and feel better, they do better and lead better.

Clients have included: The Body Shop, Discovery TV, Hewlett Packard, IBM, itsu, ITV, Kahoot!, Charlie Bighams, Cook, Pret a Manger, the English RFU, Samsung and WPP group.

Read more about Elizabeth here… And for the full client list and what they say…

Elizabeth also offers bespoke Resilient Leader Programmes:


• Three day intensives

• Nine month programmes or online bespoke version


• Two or three day intensives or online bespoke version

• Focused, facilitated leadership team sessions to help you deliver individual, team and organisational flow

I knew she was good, but she’s more than good. She is truly an amazing talent.
— Julian Metcalfe Founder Pret a Manger and itsu

Group Co-facilitator

Ian Watson

Co-facilitating the Immersion is Change specialist Ian Watson - a highly experienced trainer, facilitator and leader in the principles behind State of Mind. Ian has worked in the field of innate health and personal transformation for almost thirty years and co-founded The Lakeland College in 1993, and The Insight Space in 2011.

Ian has worked extensively with people from all walks of life, including business leaders to help bring about rapid, gentle, sustainable change that transforms lives. His work enables people to disconnect from the noisy chatter of their busy minds, and reconnect to that quiet oasis of calm presence and inner wisdom that resides within everyone.

Ian is currently a faculty member at the Innate Health Centre in London, and runs an ongoing programme of training courses and workshops for people interested in moving beyond past limitations and living authentic, inspiring and fulfilling lives.